
Monday, 31 July 2017

What is force summation? 
 Force summation is creating larger force possible, by using different body parts to work together the largest muscles to the smallest muscles.

Describe the three parts of force summation. 
Range of Motion: The greater range of motion you use the better force is produced. Order Of Body Segments: Forces that needs to be transferred from the largest muscles through to the smallest muscles. Timing of Body Segments: Every segment should get going before the previous segment reaches it's peak force.

Describe the activity we completed in the gym and how this related to force summation. 
We had done many activitys that relate to force summation. The first activity we did was where we partnered up with someone and we each take turns at throwing a basketball as far as you can but the first throw we started off by lying down flat on the ground and only use our arms and hands to help give us forces. The first attempt was the hardest one as I was only using my hands and arms. The second attempt was to sit up on the floor, only using our arms, hands and our stomach.The thrid throw was to go on your knees. The only body parts that was active was my hands, arms, stomach and my thighs. This throw was slightly easier as there I was using more muscles to help me throw the ball further. The last throw was standing up. This throw was a much better and easier throw because we were using all of our muscles to help us have forces to throw the basketball far away. The second activity we did was trying to touch the top of the glasswall/window

Projectile Motion- 11PEA

What is Projectile Motion? 
Projectile motion is a form of motion which an object is thrown in the air it becomes a projectile such as shotput ball.

What are the three parts of projectile Motion? 
1: Angle of releases = The average angle when releasing is 45* but it depends on the people and sports.
2: Heigh of releases = The greater the height the further the distance of the object would go.
3: Speed of releases = Having greater speed which causes greater height and distance when releasing an object.

Explain the activity this morning related to Projectile Motion. 

Today we did an activity where we had a bunch of  papers and a rubber band.  We can fold the papers and try to find the best technique in order to get the paper across the room or to aim it for the two hoops that was on the ground.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Three Classes of Levers.

What are the 3 parts? 

The first part of the levers is the  Fulcrum.  The fulcrum  is the point at which the lever pivot.
The second part of the levers is the  Effect.  The effect is the force that is applied to make the object move.
The thrid part of the lever is the Load.  The load is the objects or thing you are carrying.

What are the 3 classes?
1st class of the lever is the seesaw.
2nd class of the lever is the wheeelbarrow.
3rd class of the lever is the arm.
Explain levers in sports. 
In tennis when serving the ball,  the fulcrum is the shoulder and the elbow, the effort is the shoulders that is the force to make the tennis ball move.  The load is the tennis ball.
Explain the activity we completed. 

The activity we completed in class was a activity that helps us understand and identify the 3 classes and 3 parts of the levers.  This activity we cut out three sqaures,  three triangles and three rectangles.  The three sqaures represent the load or (resistance),  the three triangles represent the fulcrum or (pivot)  and the three rectangles represent the effect or (force).  We then planned where each shapes goes that would represent the three classes and parts in levers and stick the three shapes on to a peice of paper.  Then explained the three classes and gave examples.

Monday, 24 July 2017

11PE- 1.1 Reflection- Zumba (10-12 games)

  • Explain the physical activity you participated in.
Today we did Zumba. Zumba is a video where someone is dancing and giving you intruction. All we had to do was copy the moves they were doing and follow their intruction.

  • What level of effort and engagement were you participating at during today’s physical activity? Why? (Grade yourself NA, A or M and refer to marking criteria)

I grade myself an 'A' because I was contributing in the activity even though I wasn't feeling well but I was still trying to improve on my skills.

  • What were three factors which influenced your participation? (Choose from the list below, and put a + or - beside the three factors to show whether it positively or negatively influenced your participation).

Injury and illness gave a negative influence in my participation because I wasn't feeling well as I am still healing from a bad cough an example was when I didn't join in that much because I would end up coughing alot. 

My previous experiences was a positive influence in my participation because in primary we did Zumba every morning to get everyone up and moving for school so that they are not tried when it's time to learn.  An example was when we did the Jump Jam videos ,  I knew how to do them and how it goes so I was participating. 

My sense of achievement gave a negative influence because I was unorganised to participate in Zumba. An example was I forgot my gears today which gave me no sense of achieving anything in this activity. 

Explain HOW these factors affected your participation (with specific examples)

  • How could you increase your (or your peers) participation in this activity in the future?
I could increase my peers participation by encouraging them to do zumba as most people didn't feel comfortable dancing in front of their peers.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

1.1 Reflection- Badminton (9/12 Games)

Today we played Badminton for our 1.1 reflection.  We used a shuttlecock, racket and a volleyball net.  Badminton is almost the same as tennis and volley but instead of using a ball we use something that's called a shuttlecock.  Shutterlecock is not shaped like a ball,  it has feathers pointing out of the end and a little soft ball that you hit.

Image result for shuttlecock

I would put myself on an achieve because I was organised before the game and I helped prepared the activity so that we have more time to play.  I was involved in the activity.  I tried to improve on my skills preformance which was to try and serve the shuttlecock.

To get myself to a merit,  I need to work hard towards the goal.  I need to be motivated and reliable during the activity.  I need to seeks to improve my performance through development of skills, well-being and fitness.

My previous experiences is a negtive impact in my participation because when we played badminton before I was very bad as I didn't really know how to play.  The previous experience made my confident go down because I couldn't serve the shutterlecock.

My friends and classmates gave a positive impact in my partcipation because they had it positive and fun for me and everyone else.  They were also supportive towards everyone.

The challenges in this game was a positive impact in my partcipation because there were good players there which made it challenging for me and my partner to try and win the game.  It was really a positive and challenging game.

I could increase my peers participation by supporting them when they need it and also encouraging them when they don't feel like playing because they don't like the game.  I could increase my peers participation by being positive so that they can also have a positive and happy game to enjoy.