I give myself a merit because I was motivated and reliable during the game, I worked hard towards the goal even if my teams and the class were giving up. I supported the people who weren't feeling the game, I encouraged them to keep playing so that the class can have a positive game. I showed enjoyment during the game. I also tried my best to improve my performance skills.
Friends and classmates was a negative effect on my performance because it made the game boring, no one wanted to play so the game was kind of over. Fun and enjoyment was a negative outcome on my performance because when no one was playing or invloved in the game, the fun was gone and it was not an interesting game. My sense of achievement was a postive effect on my performance, I really wanted to play and I wanted to achieve my goals which was to get past the home base four times in a row without getting touched.
I could increase my peers participation by encourging them to work harder and to at lease enjoy the game that the teachers have planned us to play. I could increase their participation by supporting them and cheering them at a time where they need it the most, so that the game can be positive for everyone else.