5 year old Danny is playing a game of hide and seek with his big brother Taylor who is 8 years old. Peeping around a tree, Danny can see his brother searching for him while mysterious strangers walking by watch Danny hiding. Danny hugs the tree tightly so that his brother cannot see him hiding there.
In the distance he can hear dogs barking with happiness, people screaming angrily ,the wind softly blowing, leaves crackling under people’s feet and bubble gum popping from the mouths of a group of teenagers.
As Danny breathes in the warm summer air he can smell bright flowers, just cut grass and sausages sizzling on a family barbeque. As he take another breath of air, he can smell freshly washed clothes hanging out to dry. Pressing closer to the trunk of the tree, he can smell the old damp wood. Suddenly he can smell himself as he begins to sweat in the heat. He can taste his salty sweat dripping down the side of his face and also leftover lunches that people had thrown in the rubbish bin.
“28, 29, 30 ready or not here I come,” yells Taylor. Danny heard Taylor coming down the noisey stairs from the deck at the back of their house. Would he find him? Danny crept around the tree and saw bees busily buzzing around. Before Taylor spotted him, he turned and ran away from his hiding place behind the tree to a group of big rough trees with bird nests up high in their branches. Taylor spun around and was amazed that he could not find Danny.
Danny under the big trees, Danny realised that he was now so tired that he wanted to give up but he did not want to lose the game. He positioned his hand on a branch and hung from it, feeling the hard rough bark beneath his fingertips. His feet were touching the base of the tree. He put his free hand onto his head like he was saluting so that he could see better in the blinding sun. The sun illuminated the whole garden, its shining light scattered across the water of the frog pond.
Danny saw Taylor searching for him between their mum’s beautiful pink flower bushes so he ran back to the deck as fast as he could, before Taylor was able to turn around and catch him. “ I won ! “ yelled Danny victoriously.
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